WAAAYYYYYYYYYYY better than that Banished A stick figure crap i was watching earlier. Straight to the point. fight. 5/5
WAAAYYYYYYYYYYY better than that Banished A stick figure crap i was watching earlier. Straight to the point. fight. 5/5
if only i could do so much to make you make a terrible cartoon about me. Martin must be really loved
good animation style. but, wasn't as funny as ASDF and the 'transitions' ruined it for me.
I would like to see a spin off for Mister Money Monkey.
VERY well done. i liked it
good work. just get a better mic thing going
You, sir, are a genius. Kevin Sorbo says: "It pleases the gods"
good. hope you learned some useful techniques
Atlanta, GA
Joined on 3/16/10